Payroll Services
Simply just send us the hours, we'll do the rest. It's that easy!
We understand that it's a struggle for small businesses to constantly deal with payroll. Part of our services is to helping you manage your payroll efficiently. We can do your payroll right here from our office, completely taking it off your hands, or set it up for you in in your own office in order for you to complete regularly.
As part of our payroll service, we will also process your payroll taxes, quarterly payroll returns and year-end payroll paperwork including W-2's and 1099's. We can pay your employee's on any pay schedule you choose; weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly or monthly and process the checks for you or set-up direct deposits.
Many payroll companies won't handle those unexpected notices
every business receives - BUT WE DO!
And we won't nickel and dime you like others do to handle these
unexpected notices. It's all apart of our services.
That's another cost saving benefit of Custom Fit.
Call us today and let's get started.